Fifth Harmony has really come into their own skin this year and that will continue to show once their debut album, Reflection, drops in January.

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On Saturday, Digital Spy posted their interview with Fifth Harmony's youngest member, Dinah Jane Hansen, where she talked about the girl group maturing musically and more.

She told the British publication that due to the image shift between the Better Together EP and where the girls were heading is what led to renaming their debut album, Reflection. She said, "It reflects on our growth throughout this experience of being together for the past two years." 

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Hansen continued with, "It's funny that you brought up Better Together, because I feel like with that EP we were just babies and were just going with whatever was popular during that time. Taylor Swift was coming out, Demi Lovato's album was coming out, and we were like, 'Oh, let's try this sound.' We tried it because it's what was in and it was safe. We weren't doing us and we were still trying to find ourselves. I feel like now we've grown together."

The youngest 5H member revealed that this revelation came to the girl group earlier this year.

"That actually happened at the beginning of this year. We were hearing different tracks and we were sat there like, 'Do you know what? I think we need to start working on ourselves right now and stop trying to copy what other people had out.' That's when the light bulb pinged. We just needed to do Fifth Harmony and stop worrying about other people."

The Fifth Harmony singer also shared that the debut album will have "loads of different concepts throughout" it.