Finn is out of the picture on The 100, but his memory and brutal death will undoubtedly keep Clarke out of the delinquent's romantic forays for quite some time.

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Clarke (Eliza Taylor) found herself in an unenviable position during "Spacewalker." Quickly becoming the No. 1 leader of the Sky People (despite what the adults may thing) Clarke had to perform a mercy killing on her own boyfriend as the fall finale came to an end.

While many viewers are hoping this will open the door for a Bellarke 'ship, Taylor believes that Clarke's heart is momentarily shut to any such possibilities.

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"You can't come back from something like that. It does harden her quite a lot," Taylor told Zap2It. "Killing her one true love helps her to turn off her heart and her feelings and just focus all her energy on being a leader, which is what she does. We're seeing her evolution into a real leader."

If there still are latent feelings between Bellamy (Bob Morely) and Clarke, it doesn't sound like writers will be penning any love scenes for the duo any time soon.

Find out more when The 100 returns to The CW on Jan. 21 at 9 p.m. ET. Click the video below to see a preview for "Remember Me," the series' next episode.