Can Olivia Pope consider it handled? Fans won't know until the new episode airs, but at this point, it looks like President Fitzgerald Grant III is the only person who can bring Olivia home alive.

'Scandal' Mid Season Premiere Recap

After Liv's failed attempt of breaking free, during Scandal's midseason premiere, it's up to the President, Jake, Huck, and Quinn to save here.

Episode 11, Where's The Black Lady?, will be airing on Thursday night, and one of two things will happen; Fitz will either declare war on West Angola or Liv will be killed.

Kerry Washington Talks 'Scandal' Mid-Season Opener

On Monday, TV Fanatic shared several spoiler photos on their site, and now fans have a little more insight into Thursday night's new episode.

The photos can be seen here.

In one photo, Fitz is delivering a speech to the press, but it's unclear what he's talking about. He's talking to the public so he's obviously not giving away too much information, but he could be talking about declaring war. In that same photo, Andrew Nichols is standing in the back of the room to watch the president's every move.

Another photo shows Elizabeth North, the same woman having an affair with the Vice President (the man responsible for Liv's kidnapping) showing up to Liv's office, but why is she there? Could it be that 'Lizzy Bear' is trying to help, or is this a part of her evil plan to have Liv killed?

Will the Gladiators be able to pull this over with out their fierce leader? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Scandal airs Thursday nights at 9 p.m. on ABC. Get ready to gladiate, gladiators.