Switched at Birth just portrayed one of its most controversial storylines, leaving plenty of insight on what this means for upcoming episodes.

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Tuesday night's episode involved Bay getting drunk at a party where she ended up in bed with her ex-boyfriend Tank. As the story continued, it was revealed that the two had sex. But did Bay give Tank her consent? He makes it clear that she didn't say no although that doesn't mean she said yes. And to make matters even more difficult for Bay, she is still with Emmett.

So what does this mean for Bay and Emmett? It looks like audiences won't find out until Episode 7.

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"That's specifically, completely dedicated to Bay and Emmett dealing with it," series creator Lizzy Weiss told TV Line on Tuesday. "Emmett finds out, and he has to be honest about how he feels and he has a lot of issues with it and the fact that it was her ex-boyfriend, the fact that she was drunk, the fact that they were in a big fight. So he has to go on a journey, as well, to put this to bed, if you will."

Weiss also said that all the parents are going to find out in Episode 6 where "everyone has an opinion about it." Regina is also supposed to help Bay focus on the fact that something worse took place than just her thought that she "cheated" on her boyfriend.

Switched At Birth airs on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on ABC Family.