Eye Candy is about to get even more intense when Lindy takes massive action on the mysterious killer.

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On Monday, a promo for the next episode was released when Lindy realizes that more murders are happening and she has to do something about this before the killer offs more people.

Tommy then starts talking to Lindy about machines that have been shutting down at the hospital- doctors and nurses are passing out on the floor in the middle of their operations leaving victims on the bed to scream for help.

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Plus, it appears that Lindy will be held hostage in a giant room where the killer is going to do unspeakable things to her since he's behind his screaming victim.

As if that's not enough chaos, Lindy is going to have to deal with her trust issues with Tommy since she's going to find out the true meaning of his acts; regardless of what they were, she declares it over, giving insight on what the means for their romance that seemed to blossom.

Lindy will continue to hunt for the killer where she might find out some more details about her sister. The killer is also going to be making his way towards other girls who might know him. And some facts might be revealed since one girl in the hospital admits that she saw the person who put her there.

Watch the action-packed trailer below.

Eye Candy airs on Mondays at 10 p.m. ET on MTV.