The PC mystery title Firewatch has been confirmed for PlayStation 4.

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In a post on the PlayStation Blog today, the developers at Camp Santo announced that the title will be a PS4 console exclusive. Sorry, Xbox owners.

Additionally, the post takes the time to address whether or not the game will contain guns. Firewatch is a mystery game set in the Wyoming wilderness, and it's your job to protect the park with only a radio as your connection to other people. The game will not have any useable guns, and Campo Santo did a good job explaining why that is:

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"We talked it over, but we figured we'd stick to our lack of guns. In Firewatch, you play as a man named Henry, who's retreated from his messy life for the summer to take a job as a Wyoming forest fire lookout. You are in constant radio communication with your supervisor Delilah--your only remaining link to the outside world.

"But as the hot, dry summer progresses, increasingly strange events draw you out of your tower and into the wilderness to explore an unknown environment, facing questions and making interpersonal choices that can build or destroy the only meaningful relationship you have."

A console version was a popular request from fans, as the post demonstrates with a selection of tweets, and the team is happy to reveal that the PS4 version is in the works for a 2015 launch. Campo Santo says the amount of requests from PlayStation fans specifically--across multiple forms of communication such as Twitter, Facebook and email--was the single biggest factor in bringing the game to PS4. Your requests have been heard!

Tags: Firewatch