Tag: kate middleton pregnant

Kate Middleton Baby Bump Will Be Seen For First Time After Star, Chi Bikini Picture Scandal

The Duchess of Cambridge will show off her baby bump at her own free will for first time when she visits a charity in London on Feb. 19.Middleton will likely face a lot of media scrutiny on her growing baby bump tomorrow. Last week, she made global headlines when it was exposed for the first time in published pictures in several magazines. The images printedf were of Middelton wearing a blue bikini while on holiday in Mustique.

Kate Middleton Pregnant Bikini Photos In STAR, US Magazine (PHOTOS)

Star magazine became the first American publication to run the controversial photos of a pregnant Kate in a bikini which reveals her growing baby bump. The weekly tabloid made the bold move of putting the magazine out on newsstands on Feb. 13, a day after St. James Palace released a statement that they were "disappointed" that the same images were printed in Italian weekly Chi.

Duchess of Cambridge Baby Bump Bikini Pictures: Kate Middleton Chi Magazine Photos Upset the Royal Family

While Kate Middleton and Prince William were hoping to get away from the public eyes on their sunny vacation on the Caribbean island of Mustique, problems with the media have followed them from the UK. The first photos of the Dutchess of Cambridge have been published by the same Italian gossip magazine that released pictures of Middleton sunbathing topless in September, and according to Time Magazine, the royal family is highly upset.

Jacintha Saldanha: Prank Nurse Leaves Suicide Note, Hoax Radio Station Donates $500K To Family

Jacintha Saldanha, the respected nurse who may have died from suspected suicide days after transferring a hoax call from an Australian radio station to Kate Middleton's private nurse during her hospital stay has reportedly left a suicide note.cAccording to The London Evening Standard, Saldanha, 46, wrote a personal note to her family before she was found dead. The contents of the message, however, have not been revealed.

Kate Middleton Baby Name Starts Online Betting Frenzy

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Kate Middleton, have made their exciting announcement about her pregnancy on Dec 3., and massive bets have come in on the baby's name When the royal couple started an online frenzy when they announced they are expecting their first child. Less than a day later, bets began to pour in about what the royal baby's name will be. The odds were most in favor of the same name of one of the couple's royal relatives.

Prank DJs In Kate Middleton Hoax In Hiding, May Get Police Probe

The two Australian DJs whose prank call to the British hospital where pregnant Kate Middleton's stayed to treat severe morning sickness and may have led to the death of a nurse, have gone into hiding and will likely be probed by police. After a nurse was found dead two days after the hoax, new questions have been raised whether laws were broken by radio shock shock DJs Mel Greig and Michael Christian of Sydney radio station 2Day FM. British police have also contacted Australian police about a possible probe into the prank call, according to Associated Press.
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