Harry Styles' attractive features are making their way to the girls and the guys.

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In a tweet from 1D Updates posted on Saturday, actors James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe are seen in a Mashable video. They were asked who they would choose between Zayn Malik and Styles from One Direction.

After taking a second to think about it, McAvoy responded with "Harry" to which Radcliffe seemed to agree that he would be his choice as well.

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Check it out in the video below.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of men and women out there who wouldn't mind going on a date with the One Direction singer. In fact, pop star Anastacia previously told Closer that she would jump at this opportunity.

"I would go on a date with Harry Styles in a heartbeat," she said via Sugarscape. "I have dated much younger men and it's fine."

Considering that Styles is 21 and Anastacia is 47, this would be quite a difference, but age seems to be just a number to the pop singer.

"Older and younger men tick different boxes but they're just as good as each other," Anastacia said. "There's not one better. I don't use the label 'cougar'- you like what you like- it's not an age thing."