Have you heard of Neko Atsume? If you have, I assume you're too busy playing it to bother reading about how awesome it is. If you have no idea what I'm referring to, get ready to fall in love with your new fixation. And clear your schedule for the time being; you're going to want to devote every free minute to the wonder that is Neko Atsume.

You Collect Cats

Let's focus on what really matters about this app: You collect cats. Your goal is to collect as many cats as possible by luring them into your yard with treats and toys. That's it. That's the game. And I don't think I need to tell you how much the internet loves cats. So a game where the goal is to amass as many cats as you can? Am I dreaming? Plus these cats are almost criminally cute:

It's So Simple (And So Addictive)

Neko Atsume (which literally means 'cat collector' in Japanese) is one of the easiest gaming apps out there. And that's part of its charm; one minute you're just starting out, the next you're completely immersed in attracting the attention of as many adorable cats as possible. The directions are incredibly easy to follow and there are no elaborate hoops to jump through, making this the perfect game for cat lovers of all ages.


And there are so many cats! Depending on a variety of surprisingly complex factors, you can end up with rare and obscure breeds that leave your fellow cat collectors sicks with envy. You'll find yourself needing to collect them all, spiraling further and further as that one elusive breed remains out of your grasp.

It's Available Everywhere

As if collecting kitties didn't already sound like the perfect way to while away dull hours (days... weeks...), Neko Atsume is free and available on both Apple and Android devices. A word of warning: Like many free apps, you can opt to spend money for extra items. This sounds all well and good, until you receive a frankly terrifying bill and realize you spent all that money on digital fish (and worst of all, the cats you were hoping for still didn't show up).

It's More Socially Acceptable Than Owning 50 Real Cats

Needless to say, the internet has lost its collective cool over Neko Atsume; there are wikis and cheat sheets and forums devoted to collecting all the cats (and learning about their specific personalities and traits). There are even real-life toys (and rumor has it, an animated series in the works). Cats are big business online and off, and these are some of the sweetest and most adorable ones out there. And while your neighbors and loved ones might raise an eyebrow over you purchasing 50-odd cats for your home (some people just don't understand felines), you can carry Neko Atsume and your fine furry friends with you everywhere. There's no judgment, no litter boxes, and dozens of playful and endearing cats to discover. What's not to love?

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to bait my yard with some more goldfish.