The rumors out of Central City are true. The Flash's spin on Flashpoint will absolutely bring a few old friends (or enemies) back into the fold.

Reeling from the death of his father, and emotional distraught Barry (Grant Gustin) called on his shiny new tachyon device to fuel another trip into the distance past. His destination? The night of his mother's murder, as always. This time around, however, he took the timeline into his own hands, saving Nora's life as he unspooled his own future.

When The Flash returns this fall, the series will open with "Flashpoint," an irrefutable call back to Geoff Johns' prelude to the DC's New 52. For those unfamiliar with the 2011 storyline, this means the DC TV universe is about to delve into a brand new timeline. Although the switch-up certainly has its downsides (will Barry retain his powers?), it also has a few perks, not the least of which is the return of some long-lost characters.

"I have now read the first two episodes of season 3. They're amazing, and I think you guys are really going to enjoy it," Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin) said at New Jersey's Heroes and Villains Fan Fest on Saturday. "There are some returning favorites - I can't say who - but I think it's going to be a great season."

So, who has The Flash tapped for a spot in this (presumably) temporary timeline?

The names that immediately spring to mind are those of dead - Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett), Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell), Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller), the original Earth-1 Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), Henry Allen (John Wesley Shipp), and, of course, Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher) himself. Then, of course, there are characters that have simply left Central City, such as Linda Park (Malese Jow) and Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten). Needless to say, there's certainly no shortage of possibilities.

Who do you want to return? Sound off in the poll below!

The Flash will return to The CW on Oct. 4 at 8 p.m. ET.