If you somehow missed hearing about last night Sharknado, you clearly haven't checked your Twitter recently.

The Syfy channel's made-for-TV creature feature put the bane of ocean goers into a place where they clearly did not belong - the center of a tornado. As sharks rained down on Southern California and created a bloody spectacle (see video below), the topic took off on social media.

"I'm afraid that now when we have a real sharknado everyone's going to treat it like a joke," tweeted B.J. Novak after the title begin to make its rounds on Twitter.

Unless you have a chainsaw, a shotgun, or a bar stool, you might as well laugh because there's no way your going to outrun an a hungry shark who just so happens to be flying past your window.

"'We lost the night to #SharkNado? What the hell is that?' - every non-Syfy network executive tomorrow morning," wrote Will Wheaton since it seemed like everyone with a television was tuning into the sci-fi flick.

However, only a meager 1.4 million viewers tuned in for the roughly $1.5 million film, according to Business Week. Instead, the title got most of the attention.

"If we don't have a good title, we're not going to make the movie," said Thomas Vitale, Syfy's executive vice-president for programming and original movies, in 2011, according to Vulture.

The Sharknado Twitter feeding frenzy goes to show that if you take outdated CGI, a killer name, and flying sharks, then you can defiantly make a trend on Twitter.