Keke Palmer does not filter anything, which is why in sharing her PCOS experience, she also did not bother hiding how the condition is wrecking damage on her skin. 

Palmer knows it is so important to share the reality of the condition rather than worry about being ridiculed. 

Taking to Instagram, the 27-year-old actress revealed how much she is struggling wtih polycystic ovarian syndrome. Apart from a lengthy explanation of what she is dealing with, she also shared three different unfiltered, no-makeup photos--all to highlight what PCOS can do. 

On her first line, she warned her followers that the post might be considered too vulgar or too lengthy, but she needed to write it.

"Hey you guys, for some of you this may be TMI, but for me my platform has always been used for things much greater than me. Polycystic ovarian syndrome has been attacking me from the inside out my entire life and I had no idea."

On her closeup photos that are not altered to hide anything, followers can see acnes and dark scarring on her cheeks.

The actress and TV personality then shared how her face got into the severe condition, highlighting the fact that her PCOS was not diagnosed early and her underlying skin problems were largely ignored for a great while. Instead, she and the people around her thought it can be cleared up by the usual facial treatments and altering her diet. 

"My acne has been so bad that people in my field offered to pay for me to get it fixed. I tried EVERYTHING. I did Accutane TWICE. People say drink water, have a better diet, but I did all that, I ate all the 'right' things, my blood tests were fine. But it took ME taking a personal look into my family that has a history of diabetes and obesity, to understand what was ACTUALLY happening with me," she wrote.

"And unfortunately doctors are people and if you don't 'look the part' they may not think that's your problem. They may not even suggest it if you 'look healthy' whatever that means! I came to a doctor in tears once and all they offered was a measles vaccine... Exactly."

Eventuall, by really paying attention to herself and conducting research on her own, she was able to get experts to give her the proper diagnosis. 

"I'm posting this to say that it's okay and we can help ourselves. My skin has made me sad many nights but I do not give up on myself. I know this is not me and my body has been looking for help," she shared to empower her followers.

Keke Palmer said that she may not have a medical degree, but conducting personal research made it easier for her to approach the right doctor for a correct diagnosis.

"I'm not saying trust Web MD for everything haha but what I am saying is no one can help us like we can help ourselves." she joked.

She then revealed how her family was constantly duped out of their money by false experts. She knows proper information is hard to come by for those without resources, so sharing her experience now is likely to help others on the same boat. 

Palmer also told people who have the same condition of PCOS and suffering very bad acne and breakouts to not feel alone and insecure. Acne should not stop them as it has not stopped her. However, this does not mean they should skip on the correct care. 

"MY ACNE AIN'T NEVER STOPPED ME. But we don't have [to] accept this. Now I can really help KEKE! And I love her so it's ON," she said. 

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Feedback to what Keke bravely shared were mostly positive. No one dared ridicule her. Her post even encouraged some of her followers to share what they have dealt with because of PCOS too, which is empowering.

Had she not share her pictures and story, few people would know how her skin looks like. On events and on television, none of these scars are visible. She was recently in a magazine cover, and she glowed.

Palmed even shined during the recent Thanksgiving Parade. This is why it is so important for her to come clean about her condition and share it

On a recent interview talking about her video of kissing a mystery man, whose identity has yet to be disclosed, she revealed that she has bad anxiety and emotional trauma

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