Looks like we are about to go even further Inside.

On Memorial Day, Bo Burnham released The Inside Outtakes: a compilation of all of the clips that hit the cutting room floor when he was creating is pandemic-oriented Netflix special Inside.

The outtakes totaled just over an hour in length, basically giving Burnham fans a second full special to gobble up. (He said, "I made you some content," didn't he?)

Instantly, The Inside Outtakes has garnered the mass love of the public. As it was released on YouTube, however, it was a product difficult to listen to on the go.

Until now.

(Photo : (c) Courtesy of Netflix 2021.)

Last night, Burnham took to his Instagram and announced on his story that a deluxe version of the Inside album would be released this coming Friday. This album, fans are confident, will include all of the tracks from Inside, along with some of the new hits that originally did not make it to the public eye.

The world is counting down the days until they can be inside wherever they go - with new hit tracks such as:

  • Living in The Future
  • Feel Good
  • Little Joke Song
  • Five Years
  • and more.

Burnham has always been something of a mental health visionary through his comedy. Even before it was in the mainstream, he managed to have his finger on the pulse of anxiety and other general stressors of the human condition.

Inside was raw and personal. The Inside Outtakes manages to go deep in a way that allows the listener to feel even more seen.

We can't wait to start binge listening to this deluxe version of the album!