Pit bulls are not rotten dogs and this scared and adorable pit bull that was given the name Thor proves it!

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Stereotypically, pit bulls are given a bad reputation since some humans treat them so poorly (illegal dog fighting for example), but they just want to be loved as much as any other pooch.

In the video that is below, Hope For Paws, which is run by Eldad and Audrey Hagar, rescued a pit bull that wound up at a Waste Management facility. Eldad showed patience and compassion toward the frightened and homeless pit bull along with great help from Lisa Arturo.

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Rescuing Thor was a very difficult challenge since he placed himself at the top of a trash pile.

Back in April, the Hope For Paws Facebook initially spoke of this "CrAzY rescue" and revealed LA Animal Rescue would be fostering Thor.

In the video, the Waste Management team sent over a bulldozer and an excavator as an effort to help rescue the pooch.

The pit bull ran away a few times, but Eldad eventually was able to gain the dog's trust after cornering him to help get him out of the scary situation and get him proper care.

The video will seriously make you tear up, but the outcome is sweet.

On Sunday, Eldad explained on the Hope For Paws Facebook that rescuing Thor was "a matter of trial and error" since in the video you can hear him being super sweet as well as dominant as he worked to rescue Thor.

Thor is currently up for adoption!

For other photo of Thor since he has been rescued check out Eldad's Flickr.