Fitness has become the latest trend as everyone looks for creative and unique ways to jumpstart their weight-loss journey. You're no exception, right? Are you sick of the endless stroll on the treadmill and instead want a heart pumping, adrenaline rush of a workout? Are you looking for an accelerated boost to your boring calisthenics routine that will produce rippling results? Or are you looking for a spiritual and relaxing yet intense body conditioning workout? Well look no further, Enstars brings you a one stop shop of the most popular workouts and its uses and benefits.


Self Realization Fellowship, (SRF) a religious organization founded by Paramhansa Yogananda, the father of Yoga in the West states that yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. SRF goes on to note that the postures used in yoga unfold the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul. With that being said, it comes as no surprise that Yoga has many benefits. Yoga is great for: people looking to better their overall health, people with high blood pressure, diabetics, strength, toning and sculpting your body Benefits: Flexibility: Yoga requires a great deal of stretching. Your flexibility will improve as you continue to stretch your body in varying postures such as Downward Dog and the Fish. Relaxation: Stretching releases tensions and provides relaxes your muscles as well as soothing your mind. Drops Blood Pressure: Yoga International states that yoga can reduce stress-induced hypertension, while addressing its underlying causes Check out this link for a list of moves that help lower blood pressure.


"Pilates dramatically transforms the way your body looks, feels and performs. It builds strength without excess bulk, creating a sleek, toned body with slender thighs and a flat abdomen," according to "Pilates is an exercise system that focused on building strength without bulk, improving flexibility and agility, and helping to prevent injury. It involves a series of controlled movements that engage both your body and mind" According to Pilates is great for: Post-partum women, men, beach bods or aspiring beach bods, Benefits: Strong Core, Flat Abdominals & Developed Back- Pilates exercises develop a strong "core," or center of the body. Control of the core is achieved by integrating the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle. It's Gentle: Many of the exercises are performed in reclining or sitting positions, and most are low impact and partially weight bearing. Pilates is so safe, it is used in physical therapy facilities to rehabilitate injuries  Better Sex: According to Men's Fitness, Pilates strengthens the core and the pelvic floor, and men who practice it have greater control of this region of the body--need we say more


Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Zumba routines incorporate interval training - alternating fast and slow rhythms - and resistance training. It is great for: those looking to burn fat, lose weight, all ages and body types. Benefits: Total Body Toning: Zumba engages all muscle groups as you subconsciously tighten and sculpt your body to hit certain moves. Fun & Minimal Effort: Zumba is more than a fitness class, it's a dance party. An hour will go by and you won't notice because you're too busy moving to the beat. Accelerates Weight-loss: Zumba is great for weight loss because it burns tons of calories with its high energy and action packed choreography that moves your body.


CrossFit is the principal strength and conditioning program for many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide. Huffington Post states that CrossFit combines aerobic conditioning, Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics along with some other old-school training elements like kettlebells, rope climbs, tire flipping and sledgehammer into daily WODs (workouts of the day).    CrossFit is great for: athletes, those looking for an intense cardio   Benefits:   Fast Results: Being that CrossFit is used as conditioning training for the military and the police academy, be rest assured that produces fast results. It combines HIIT workouts with muscle resistance which will have you burning calories all day.   Cardiovascular conditioning: Rodalewellness says your heart rate remains elevated throughout the entire workout which increases your endurance.   Teamwork: The difficulty of the training breads sportsmanship and support from the others in your class. Rodale Wellness expounds by saying everyone there supports each other and pushes each other and there's always a sense of competition. 


 Kickboxing is a cardiovascular workout that throws martial arts techniques in to the mix according to Fitness Health 101 says "When performed as a fitness and weight loss program,kickboxing provides a full-body workout that targets both improvements in cardiovascular endurance and muscular toning." Kickboxing is for: people with a solid baseline of fitness, people looking to reshape, tighten and sculpt their body. Benefits: Cardio Cardiovascular Improvements: argues that during a kickboxing class, your heart rate speeds up strengthening cardiovascular fitness and remains elevated as you jump, weave and bob through kicks and punches. Weight & Fat Loss: An hour kickboxing class burns 350-450 calories according to the ACE. Tones Your Body & Eases Your Mind: The different variations of punches and kicks will tone your body while working all muscle groups; including those in your back, legs and thighs and arms. The intensity also relieves stress and eases your body.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)