It seems like no one can catch a break on Nashville.

How Dangerous Will Juliette's Behavior Get On 'Nashville?'

On Thursday, TV Line shared an interview with showrunner Dee Johnson who said that it won't be an easy process for Juliette and Avery to settle their relationship now that Avery's taken off with the baby due to Juliette's unstable behavior. Things might get better, but it's unclear on exactly how long that'll take.

"Well, I guess it depends on your definition of 'long,'" Johnson said with a laugh. "They have a lot to overcome in the early going of this season."

What's Next For Will & Kevin On 'Nashville?'

There's also the matter of how Will is going to take further steps in his life after he publicly came out. It appears that he's going to be hiding for a bit, leaving questions on what he'll do next when he's out in the open.

"It's a real journey. [The press conference] was the first gigantic step, and now there's 999 more to get where he needs to go," Johnson said about Will. "It's safe to say that he meant everything he said in that moment, and then, of course, then afterwards you're going, 'Oh gosh, should I have done that?' When we come back, he's been hibernating a little bit. The question is: when he comes out of hibernation, where does he fit in?"

Nashville Season 4 premieres on Wednesday, September 23 at 10 p.m. ET on ABC.