The European Union may be drafting a new plan to deport hundreds of thousands of migrants to be able to accommodate the large influx of Syrian refugees in its countries.

According to a Daily Mail report, a plan is currently in progress to turn down more than 400,000 asylum seekers. The publication secured access to a document which discusses the merits of the plan. "The EU and its Member States must do more in terms of return. Increased return rates should act as a deterrent to irregular migration," it reads.

If the plan comes into effect, countries that don't comply will be slapped with heavy fines.

"Member states must systematically issue return decisions, take all necessary steps to enforce them and provide adequate resources, necessary for identifying and returning illegally staying third-country nationals," the article quotes directly from the supposed document. "All measures must be taken to ensure irregular migrants' effective return, including use of detention as a legitimate measure of last resort."

The Daily Mail quoted several EU home secretary ministers who hold similar views and strongly support the plan. One of them, Theresa May form the United. Kingdom, has been very vocal about taking such action and recommended deportation in the case of the U.K. Even though Britain is not part of the EU it is likely to want to participate in this plan.

May has previously recommended a "tough new plan" for asylum and has discredited such mass immigration as not only taking away from the cohesiveness of British society but also having a very damaging influence on the jobs and wages for the citizens of Britain.