Cisco Ramon's metahuman status is no longer a secret on The Flash.

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The STAR Labs team would have worked out the truth eventually, but Harry Wells' impatience knows no bounds. Luckily for Cisco (Carlos Valdes), the benefits of confiding in his friends are limitless. But most importantly, he finally got the chance to take up the Vibe mantel.

"And just like that, the millions of "vibe" puns I've heard every day for the last year and a half have led us to this moment," Valdes joked on Tuesday.

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Nevertheless, the mechanical engineering genius still isn't full sold on the whole superhero deal. While the idea of using his visions to help save the city should have Cisco stoked, his experience with metas has left him wary of such "gifts."

"It's not like he woke up and he can fly," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg explained, according to "Not only is he scared about what it means to be a meta-human and all of that. He also feels like he drew the short straw. 'Barry got super speed and Ronnie gets to fly and me, I get these blinding headache nightmare visions of people being killed.' It's not at first blush the most heroic way to step into the world."

Find out how Cisco will hone his skills - and if he will ever get a suit - when The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.