Pretty soon, the Xbox community will be able to experience something that was previously unique to PC users, as Microsoft has confirmed that the Xbox One would be getting its very own dedicated torrent client through one of Windows 10's most popular torrent apps, Torrex Pro.

This means that pretty soon, Xbox users would be able to use torrents through their consoles. As outlandish as the idea might seem, however, it has been confirmed to be true.  Finebits OÜ, the firm behind the development of the popular torrent client, has released a statement about Torrex Pro's release for the Xbox One.

"At the present time, we are working on a UWP version of our app Torrex. Microsoft allows [developers] to publish torrent clients on its Store, since they are simply the apps to exchange data, which doesn't break any Store rules, so we are planning to release Torrex on all devices supported by UWP including Xbox One and Hololens," Finebits stated.

The Torrex Pro client for the Xbox would include a number of very useful features, such as a built-in media player as well as the capability to download and watch videos from the app itself. This particular feature would be extremely useful, considering that access to the Xbox One's hard drive is something that is generally not allowed.

Of course, with the presence of a torrent client in the Xbox One ecosystem, the issue of whether gamers would utilize the app to upload and download pirated content becomes a very real possibility. After all, as much as torrenting content is legal, the process has notoriously been linked to acquiring illegally-obtained content.

As far as Finebits is concerned, however, the developer is firm in the notion that Torrex Pro would simply be utilized as a means to share and download legal content among gamers in the Xbox community.

"This application is designed to download/share legal content. The responsibility lies upon the user to not spread malicious, false or illegal materials," Finebits stated.