NASA's recent photographs of the Sun have caught the eye of UFO hunters worldwide, as it was found that the space agency might be hiding an immense alien spacecraft under the guise of a pixel glitch.

The recent photographs were taken by NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) on Aug. 7. What was interesting about the images was the fact that even if they were taken by two separate cameras at two separate times, it appears like both photographs had the exact same pixel glitch at the exact same location.

Considering that the photographs were taken at different times and at different camera positions, the presence of a supposedly random pixel glitch in the exact same spot on the sun is indeed quite peculiar.

UFO hunters worldwide have called out the space agency over its alleged manipulation of the Sun's photos. What's even more interesting is the fact that the area that NASA seems to be hiding is about the size of the Earth. Thus, if the space agency is indeed hiding something substantial behind those peculiar pixel glitches, it must be something very, very large.

According to UFO hunter Tyler Glockner of Secureteam10, the fact that NASA seems to be intentionally covering up the same spot on the Sun proves that the space agency has something to hide.

"We have an image showing a square-shaped pixel on the sun. We have another shot of the sun taken with a different camera in a different wavelength showing the same pixel in the same spot on the sun," Glockner said.

"This proves that this is not some image artifact or pixelation glitch caused by a natural occurrence such as a sun flare. These are two separate images taken by two separate cameras, and on these two images taken a day apart we have the same pixel glitch that would seem to have been placed there to cover up something."

Prominent UFO hunter Scott Waring disagrees with Glockner, however. Instead of NASA hiding a massive spacecraft behind a pixel glitch, Waring believes that what appears to be pixel glitches in the photographs are photos of an actual cube-shaped alien spacecraft.

"The fact that two different cameras saw it is 100% proof that this is not a computer glitch. This is evidence that the cube is really there and is a large solid object bigger than Earth. The cube is in the same location in both photos," Waring said.

"It is sucking away the sun's chromosphere and maybe the next layer of the photosphere. It may be harvesting energy to deliver to an alien world in our solar system because we see it often around our sun."

While Glockner and Waring might not agree about what the strange inconsistencies on the Sun's photographs really are, both UFO hunters are certain of one thing -- those square spots on NASA's recent photos of the Sun are absolutely not pixel glitches.