Fact: Hubbies take your Instagram game to the next level. Sure, they're also a source of constant companionship and love, but let's be totally honest: A boyfriend or girlfriend's real job is to not judge you when you ask them to take a billion photos of your outfit against a brick wall or help you with your flatlay.

Instagram husbands are nothing new. A parody video went viral last year showcasing the plight of the #instahusband, focusing on their lives as photographers, prop fixers and wind machines.

With Fashion Week upon us, the sartorially-savvy are bound to be running between shows, showrooms and parties, trying to appear as effortless as possible while still complaining about their Uber drivers and "why is that designer showing in Brooklyn?"

If all that sounds like way too much for you, no fear: You can now rent an Instagram husband or wifey to streamline your day. Need a breezy outfit post? Rent an Insta hubby that can double as a photographer. Need someone to buy you flowers for your hotel room and return all the samples you borrowed? Your Insta husband can do that, too. Book a blowout, pick up your dry cleaning and run errands for you? Yup, there's a husband that does that for you, too, and you can rent him here, on TaskRabbit. 

The promotion runs through the 15th, and the average rate per hubby is $45 an hour. Small price to pay for #ootd greatness.