A fan of Amanda Bynes' created a memorial of the former Nickelodeon actress in New York's East Village as the actress continues to display bizarre behavior.

The display, between the East 9th Street and Stuvyesant, featured candles, flowers, and a picture that seemed to have been taken from Instagram, according to The Daily Caller. The fan photoshipped Bynes’ face on the Virgin Mary candles.

The actress recently confessed that she had a nose job and tweeted that this was the reason she didn’t want media using old photos of her, saying she feels more confident after the surgery.

Included in her recent strange behaviors is Bynes posing naked in photos, which she posted on Twitter last week. According to experts, Bynes’ latest posts were signs of her calling for help.

She had also shaved half her head after claiming that damage was done to her hair when she went to the salon.

The actress was seen smoking marijuana on various occasions, including in a gym bathroom, in Times Square, and at her apartment. The latter resulted in complaints by neighbors and the star was evicted from her home.

Bynes was involved in a DUI hit-and-run incident last year. 

See a photo of her memorial tribute here