The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has yet another villain to add to it's already crowded ranks.

With Jamie Foxx on board as Electro and Paul Gamatti portraying The Rhino, Andrew Garfield's Spidey is going to have a lot to contend with considering Felicity Jones may be playing a third baddie.

The actress recently shed a little light on her role when talking with View London.

"It's all quite shrouded in secrecy, but I'm the Goblin's girlfriend - I'm in a relationship with him, and his accomplice. I'm on the dark side," Jones said.

If this is true, then Jones would take on the role of Lily Hollister, also known as Menace, according to The Playlist.

While is was previously thought that Jones would be portraying the Black Cat, this new information would plausibly make her the girlfriend of Harry Osborne (Dane DeHaan) who could later become the Green Goblin.

However, CinemaBlend finds this idea a little odd since this would mean that the franchise would skip Harry Osborne's father, Norman Osborne, as the original Green Goblin.

Although this prediction of Jones' possible character would make for a really crowed film if Electro, The Rhino, the Green Goblin and Menace were all included, unless, of course, they are there to set up the third Spider-Man installment.