Anyone who has been keeping up with the newest bachelor, Juan Pablo Galavis, knows that he is extremely close to his 5-year-old daughter Camilla, but new reports show that he might not be the father he appears to be on television.

It turns out back in May 2011 Galavis may have been more than two years behind on child support for Camilla, who was born in 2008, Radar Online reported earlier this week.

At the time, a judge ordered Galavis to pay back the child support. The Florida Department of Revenue's Child Support Enforcement Program also required employers to take $234.94 for child support out of his income each month, plus another $49.00 for retroactive child support to pay off the $3,574.57 balance.

A source said Galavis definitely wanted to keep this secret under wraps.

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"Juan Pablo has been hoping that news of his court-ordered child support didn't get out because he doesn't want The Bachelor fans finding out he's not the perfect father he portrays himself to be."

Before his daughter was born, Galavis was a professional soccer player with Miami FC. He put his career on hold when found out that his girlfriend at the time, Latina actress Carla Rodriguez, was pregnant with Camilla.

During a media call last month with reporters, Galavis gushed about wanting to get married and start a family. But maintained that his daughter is his "princess" even throughout the whole process of being on the show to find the woman for him.

"[She] is the biggest part. You know, she has to take care of me but understand my situation. I love her a lot because she's gonna be my princess forever. It's hard."

'The Bachelor' 2014 Season 18 Spoilers: Juan Pablo Galavis First Impressions Include 7-Month Pregnant Contestant [VIDEO]

While he added that his daughter won't watch the show, he also said that he is careful when it comes to how he interacts with women that he is dating.

"I introduce girlfriend as a friend of daddy's. We don't hold hands, we don't kiss, we don't sleep over, we don't do anything in front of my daughter."

The 18th season of the The Bachelor premieres Sunday for a two-night premiere special. Be sure to catch the first episode Monday and keep up with EnStars for spoilers and recaps.