The tension between the teams on The Amazing Race: All-Stars will get increasingly more dramatic as they head into their final legs and get even closer to the finish line and $1 million prize.

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In a preview clip for the Sunday, May 4 episode, the teams are seen heading to Spain for their next leg, and the alliance against Big Brother newlyweds Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly appears to still be intact.

"The other teams all hate us," Reilly says in the clip after a voice-over paints Spain as a place of beauty, romance, and immense love for all.

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Adding to the feud, Dave and Connor O'Leary are still hoping that something will derail the newlyweds from making it into the final legs of the race.

"Justice will be served," Connor says.

However, in a summary of what can be expected in the episode posted on Youtube, the Accidental Alliance between Dave and Connor, Country Singers Jennifer Wayne and Caroline Cutbirth and Cousins Leo Temory and Jamal Zadran could be in jeopardy when another Double U-Turn pops up.

The U-Turn in Orvieto, Italy, is what started the feud that formed the Accidental Alliance between the three teams. Villegas and Reilly wound up U-Turning Dave and Connor after realizing they weren't far behind them, sparking an immense feud between the two teams. After Dave and Connor then helped Zadran and Temory, who were also U-turned, the alliance between them and the Country Signers was further cemented.

However, if the teams agree to U-Turn Brendon and Rachel when arriving at the Board and one team fails to do as asked, it could threaten the whole alliance.

The summary also teases that one team could face a race-altering injury during the leg. In the preview clip, the teams are seen engaging in a task similar to the famous "Running of the Bulls." As members of the teams are knocked to the hard ground beneath them, Zadran is seen standing up and leaning against a fence as he holds his knee.

"I can't feel my kneecap," he says.

Reilly could also potentially be hurt badly during the task, as she is seen being knocked to the ground in the clip and screeching "You guys are so mean!"

The Amazing Race airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on CBS.