Guardians of the Galaxy has a role for Nathan Fillion, and it may be larger than fans originally thought.

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The Firefly star teased a crowed at St. Louis Comic-Con with the possibility of an appearance in the James Gunn film back in April, but fans originally thought that his part would be so tiny that they would need to check the credits to actually know if he was in it or not.

"Wanting to? Or maybe, did?" Fillion said, according to IGN. "I'm just sayin' maybe. Maybe there'll be a surprise. Maybe check the credits after the movie when you watch it."

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James Gunn confirmed the actor's involvement in a roundabout tweet after Fillion's cryptic announcement, but the director kept quite on any details. Now Aggressive Comix is claiming that Fillion's reference to the credits is actually a nod to one of Marvel's signature post-credit scenes.

The site believes that Fillion will take on the role of Richard Rider, a.k.a Nova. As a member of the Nova Corps, it is no surprise that Rider could have a role in the August film.

If the Browncoat were to appear in a post-credit scene, would this open the door for Fillion's Rider to receive a larger role in a possible Guardians sequel? Viewers will have to wait until Aug. 1 to find out more.