They intend to eventually take over the company and get payback on everyone who wronged Rick (Jacob Young), but his and Maya's (Karla Mosely) plans could come to a screeching halt on The Bold and the Beautiful.

Rick and Maya Shock Everyone With Their Plans For The Future

Their secretly continued affair plans to get Rick irrevocable control of Forrester have been revealed to Ivy (Ashleigh Brewer), who caught the two making out outside of their secret love nest-and she won't hesitate to confront her cousin about his deceitful behaviors.

"That kiss I saw? There is no way you ended things," she says to him in a preview clip for the Friday, Dec. 19 episode.

Caroline Maintains That Rick Is 'More Committed' To Her Than Ever

However, any threats Ivy may make to expose him for being a fraud could wind up backfiring on her, as Rick will potentially threaten her job if she doesn't keep quiet-and will also defend his actions by reminding Ivy that Caroline (Linsey Godfrey) had deceived him by kissing Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) and not telling him about it.

"Every relationship I've ever been in, I've been lied to," he says in the clip. "Except for Maya. She's the only one who's been honest."

Meanwhile, Caroline will be confiding in Aly (Ashlyn Pearce) about her marriage, after the younger girl wonders why she would start designing with Ridge again after the trouble it caused her the last time. When confronted, Caroline will explain that Rick was actually the one who insisted she design with ridge again, and reveals how happy she is that he has learned to trust her again.

"He insisted that Ridge and I work together," she says. "To have his trust back again, it just means so much to me."

The Bold and the Beautiful airs Monday-Friday at 1:30 p.m. on CBS.