It's no secret fans are ecstatic that Zoe and Wade (Zade) are not only back together but expecting a child together on the CW's Hart of Dixie. But actor Scott Porter (who portrays George Tucker) said they are not the only Bluebell residents worth getting attention on the series.

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Porter spoke with Yahoo! TV earlier this month and said, "It's not going to be all Zade, all the time."

As for George, Porter revealed that fans will see him go through a major change this season (which he hinted could be the series' last amid cancellation rumors).

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"You might see a career change for George Tucker over this final season. You'll watch him figure out what he wants to do with the next portion of his life."

Still, viewers can't get enough of the Zade frenzy. Wilson Bethel (who portrays Wade Kinsella) said that everything will couple together in a pretty great way for the couples in the quaint Alabama town.

"It's a jam-packed season and by the end of it, it feel alike a really nice bow is put on a lot of those relationships. By the last episode of this season, it's a pretty joyous affair."

The show's executive producer Leila Gerstein added that the show will end its 10-episode season on a high note.

"This is a season for the fans and we are building toward what will be an aamzing, celebratory resolution."

Check out new episodes of Hart of Dixie Fridays on the CW at 8/7c.