It's safe to say that Hart of Dixie star Jaime King is an advocate for moms everywhere after giving birth to her first child more than a year ago. In a recent interview she popped off about people who decide to judge mothers.

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She told The New Potato magazine earlier this month and said those who partake in "mommy judging" should be ashamed of themselves.

"There is so much mommy judging and so many rules and regulations. 'You have to breastfeed' or 'If you formula feed, you're bad.' There are so many labels now of what you should or shouldn't do and I think that is really harmful to mothers."

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She added that looking down on how moms decide to nurture their children just adds to the already heavy load of being a mom.

"Birthing a child and caring for a child is already difficult in itself."

King credited her strong family and close ones as those who are able to keep her sane when it comes to raising baby James Knight Newman. She went on to encourage mothers not to come down hard on themselves if they don't have other mom friends or "aren't taking your kid to a baby class every day."

She went on to remind fans that even online mommy judging can harm the mother in unthinkable ways.

"Don't go on chats on the Internet and compare your parenting skills to someone else. Our lives are all so different from each other and all that matters is that you're loving and caring for your child."