Jenelle Evans of MTV's Teen Mom 2 is not having the best week.

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Despite an engagement and job offer earlier this month, the reality star and mother of two seemed to be having some trouble on Tuesday when she posted a few comments on Twitter.

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The statement appears to be about someone she knows and many commenters believed it to be her fiancé, Nathan Griffith. A few moments later, Evans added another tweet.

Are the messages linked? Has Griffith's recent behavior led Evans to having second thoughts about marriage?

As is common with the star, Evans elected not to elaborate on her online statements. Nonetheless, it does have her followers wondering whether or not their might be trouble for her impending marriage.

Evans and Griffith moved with their son, six-month-old Kaiser, into a larger North Carolina home back in December. Griffith popped the question during their romantic getaway in January and Evans was excited to announce that they were getting married.

Wedding woes could mean trouble for Kaiser, who would join both his sister (Griffith's daughter Emery) and brother (Evans' son Jace) in a single parent environment. It would also mean trouble for Emery and Jace, who have grown attached to their parents' significant other over the last year.

Teen Mom 2 returns on MTV for a sixth season in 2015.