After announcing her run for president in the 2016 election, anti-Hillary Clinton users took to Twitter to take the opposing side.

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On Sunday, #WhyImNotVotingForHillary began trending on Twitter when a young, black, republican user started the campaign.

Not only were people bashing her past decisions, memes were created against the former Secretary of State.

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"Sorry but I'm not prioritizing gender over character. Put forth a woman I can trust and then we'll talk. #WhyImNotVotingForHillary," said one of the users.

"Because I don't think helping your husband smear women he slept with 4 political gain is empowering of women. #WhyImNotVotingForHillary," tweeted another.

"Because I have a brain and I use it," said a user.

The trend even made it up to the number one spot surpassing the "Hillary Clinton" trend.

Clinton announced her second attempt to become the president when her campaign's chairman, John D Podesta, sent an email.

"I wanted to make sure you heard it first from me- it's official: Hillary's running for president," he wrote.

Clinton personally announced her run for president via a two-minute video where she said, "I'm running for president," at the end.

"Everyday Americans need a champion. And I want to be that champion," Clinton said in the video. "So I'm hitting the road to earn your vote - because it's your time. And I hope you'll join me on this journey."