Indie survival horror title The Forsest has received another big update to its Steam Early Access state, adding even more features, such as destructible buildings.

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Developer Endnight Games' commitment to regular updates has been very impressive, with consistent patches bringing significant changes to the game. Structures can now be brought down with hand weapons and explosives, and enemies can do the same to your buildings.

The building damage feature is still a work in progress, so Endnight has added a cheat to make buildings invulnerable if players find the balancing irritating. Simply type "ironforest" in the title scene to enable indestructible buildings.

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Far be it from Endnight to only add one main feature, though: The Forest now is bigger, has more caves, new structures, new art, multiplayer bug fixes, new enemy audio, and more. Below is the changelog for this patch, but it's so massive this time around that these are only the highlights--visit the game's website for the full list.

- More of world opened up/developed

- New background mountains added (replacing old green mountains)

- New sea weed added to underwater areas

- New explodable rock type added. Place explosives near by to destroy rock.

- New cannibal village hut style: Beach hut

- New story related pickups added!

- New Plane interior art and exterior crash art

- New Plane lighting! (more moody, closer to trailer 3)

- Moved boars to only appear in top half of map, tortoises now only around lake zone

- First pass at full gamepad support !

- Re-work of all icons - will now display key set in custom key mappings, will switch automatically to xbox controls when using controller.

- New player arm model/textures (no more seam on thumb! and better overall looking)

- New inventory backpack model.

- Foundation destruction system! Foundations can sustain a certain amount of damage up until the point they will completely collapse. Smaller buildings like wall collapse at once and bigger ones can lose whole chunks before collapsing

- Building explosion system! Small buildings like built fires are instantly blown apart but bigger ones like log cabins lose bits and suffer damage

- Building repair system! Costs 1 tree sap to repair all damages done to your building (will eventually increase this amount once balanced)

- Enemies will now try and attack built structures.