While there's no doubt that Mariah Carey has definitely had quite the transformation in the last several months, some don't think it's for the better. In fact, some believe that the chart topper might be risking her health in an effort to stay skinny as her extreme dieting is going overboard.

According to Star Magazine, dietary expert Erin Palinski--who has never treated Mariah in the past--thinks her extreme dieting is setting her up for future failure. So far, Mariah has already lost 55lbs and is looking to shed even more before she walks down the aisle in her upcoming wedding to Australian billionaire James Packer. She's supposedly been on the "Bleak Diet" which has her eating mostly unflavored fish and soups.

Palinski said, "Consuming such a limited diet long term can lead to nutrient deficiencies, boredom, and most likely burnout which can have one converting back to old habits leading to weight regain."

She added rather skeptically, "It needs to be balanced along with a source of whole grains, plant based fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables for optimal health."

So far Mariah herself has not made any comments about the criticism, nor has she set a date for her upcoming wedding, either.