Living with anxiety is never easy. After all, nobody wants to feel worried, tense or afraid. While millions of people struggle with anxiety daily, it is a natural response when we perceive that we are under threat. 

It is a normal part of life to experience occasional anxiety. It can be sometimes persistent, uncontrollable and overwhelming. 

While it is reasonable, you should know what the indications of anxiety being a mental health problem are, and when it is time to see a doctor. 

If you are experiencing  anxiety frequently enough that you need instant relief, try these anti-anxiety approaches. 

Control your breathing: Breathe in slowly and gently through your nose, holding it for about three to four seconds, then slowly breath out gently through pursed lips (like whistling) for seven to nine seconds. 

Controlling your breath is a solution since most anxiety symptoms often linked to poor breathing habits. 

Meditate: Practice serenity and start your day with quiet minutes of solitude and positive energy. Think calm, measured and be open-minded. 

There are so many meditating apps online and YouTube videos that can help you. 

Talk to a friend: One useful technique is to talk to someone you really know and trust, especially on the phone. Please do not be shy about telling them your anxiety. 

Make sure that you're talking to an empathetic and supportive person who understands thoroughly what you're going through. 

Do something physical: Exercising burns away stress hormones that create anxiety symptoms. At time you experience anxiety, your body is filled with adrenaline, so might as well put it in a great way. 

Not only that, but it also releases endorphins in your brain, which can improve your overall mood. 

Manage your anxious thoughts: When you tend to spiral into negative thoughts, it often goes without your control. It is essential to create a question checklist asking yourself about the anxiety experience, as well as positive affirmations. 

Now, for the products you can use, here are some products that can quickly relieve you of your anxiety:

Essential Oil

Extract from plants has been used for thousands of years to treat different conditions, including anxiety. Essential oils activate parts of your brain and release feel-good chemicals, which ease symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety, and improvement of mood and sleep.

This specific essential oil can be used by inhaling or putting it on as a topical treatment. 

(Photo : Amazon)

Weighted Blanket

Having a weighted blanket emulates the feeling of a comforting hug and can help you ease anxiety symptoms and fall asleep faster and sleep better throughout the night.

Research shows that deep pressure stimulation can help reduce autonomic arousal, which is responsible for increased heart rate leading to anxiety. 

(Photo : Amazon)

Activity Book for Anxious People

This book will help you feel less alone in your anxieties while laughing at their sheer absurdity. Exercises, doctors, and meds will help, but a smart, sassy and genius book like this has helped a lot of people when it comes to overcoming anxiety. 

(Photo : Amazon)

Portable Massager 

Massage therapy has been used for mental and emotional problems, including depression, anxiety and stress. If you can always access a spa or request for a masseuse, then you will need this portable massager

(Photo : Amazon)

Soothing Tea

Herbal remedies for anxiety have been used since ancient times, and luckily, they still exist up to this day. 

There are a lot of anti-anxiety teas or specific herbs. Choose between chamomile, lavender, rose, lemon balm, peppermint and Valerian root. 

(Photo : Amazon)

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