(Photo : Getty Images)

Scourge of the Hawaiian Islands, Ezra Miller is trending again, and they haven't even accosted anyone today. Weird?

The reason for their sudden burst in social media popularity does still have to do with their recent and multiple run-ins with the people of Hawaii in recent weeks.

Let's see, there was that time back in March where they were arrested for yelling at a woman singing karaoke at a bar and threatening a guy playing darts; Or the time they threw a chair at a woman during a party she was having at her house. Oh, and that other time they verbally threatened a couple in their own bedroom.

Then the body cam footage of their arrest was released. It's... really something.

The video shows Miller protesting at their arrest and at being referred to using the wrong pronouns by police - and while we can agree that nobody should have to be misgendered in their day-to-day-life, we can also agree that nobody should have to be randomly assaulted while just living their average everyday life in Hawaii

Needless to say, Miller has become a rage monster wrapped in an enigma that can't play nice with others, to the point that some folks on Twitter are wondering if Ezra is becoming some sort of cryptid legend now haunting Hawaii - Though Miller is far from a Fantastic Beast.

 And what is it with the jails in Hawaii? Is he really The Flash and phasing through the bars or what?

This article is dedicated to the hardworking, industrious people of Hawaii. May your you sleep easy soon. Until then, lock your doors, check under your beds, and if you happen to see Ezra Miller in the wild, don't feed them after midnight. Aloha Nui Loa.