It seems like Thor may not be the only one with a girl on his arm in the next installment of the franchise.

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It was reported back in November by MovieWeb during an interview with Thor star Tom Hiddleston that Loki's wife, Sigyn, could possibly appear in the next movie in order to help Loki, who is now on the throne of Asgard posing as Odin. But what could this mean for Ragnarok?

In the comics, Odin's imprisonment of Loki enraged Sigyn, who secretly followed him as he traveled to Earth, and transported the real body of Donald Blake deep in the caverns of Mount Wundagore. In an attempt to steal Blake and use his as leverage to have Loki released. However, she accidentally destroyed Blake in the process of trying to free him from the spell created by Odin. She quickly covered her tracks by creating a doppelgänger of the mortal.

What We Know So Far About 'Thor 3'

While this doesn't directly deal with Ragnarok, the idea of her coming to Earth and using someone like that could be a storyline within Thor 3. Thor is currently on Earth and it is unsure if he will return to Asgard during the next Avengers movie or afterwards so he could still be on Earth when the third movie starts.

Sigyn could be used as someone keeping an eye on Thor while he is on Earth and the doppelgänger could be used as Sigyn's watching eyes on the God of Thunder, which in turn helps Loki as well.

It will be interesting to see if she does make an appearance and if her contribution will help in Loki's destruction of Asgard.