As of now, a lot is set up for the next Avengers movie with teases of future heroes a possibility. But what will happen to the established heroes, specifically the one who started it all?

Could Iron Man and the 'Guardians' Meet Up In A Future Movie?

The first Avengers movie left a toll on Tony Stark as he entered Iron Man 3. The hero had seen more than he ever could believe and was opened up to a galaxy with more to offer than what he was seeing on Earth. While he dealt with PTSD from the situation in Iron Man 3, Stark could move on to bigger and better things after Avengers 2 and what could happen with the villain Ultron.

As of now, the rumors around Ultron seem grim for the Avengers with the scene being played during Comic-Con that showed all of the Avengers defeated on the ground with Iron Man picking up the broken shield of Captain America. It seems like the villain will give the Avengers their greatest battle yet and could leave a lot in his wake.

Will 'Iron Man 4' Happen Before Or After 'Avengers 3?'

After Avengers 2, it is unknown when Iron Man will return with Robert Downey Jr. and Kevin Feige already saying they would like to return but know it isn't the main concern right now. With Marvel set up to have multiple movies (as many as three) coming out a year, Iron Man could be coming soon and be facing the events of the last Avengers movie.

Iron Man will have been opened up to an even bigger world with Ultron than the one from the first Avengers and since then Marvel has opened up the universe with the Guardians of the Galaxy so could Iron Man find his way there? It is possible and all fans would love to see one, but I think Iron Man still stays at home.

Mandarin will grow bigger and a proper showdown is coming for the hero and villain. This face-off is where Iron Man 4 is headed with intergalactic implications coming for Avengers 3.

Iron Man 4, Movies