Billionaire poker player Dan Bilzerian is back on Instagram after going MIA from his social media sites for several days.

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The 'King of Instagram' has been pretty quietly lately and now he's back and making a lot of noise.

On Tuesday, Bilzerian shared an Instagram video of him and some sexy ladies shooting soda cans into the air at 100 yards.

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While one of the women launched the can into the air, Bilzerian used one of his expensive guns to shoot the can and it exploded in the air.

Bilzerian often shares similar videos of him shooting in the dunes, and he's made it known that he is a huge fan of guns.

Fans are clearly happy to have the social media sensation back, and some of his followers immediately took to Instagram to comment on the video.

One fan said, "This is his midweek life. Geez." Another said, "dude how do rich people stay rich if all they do is s--- like this?"

That's a good question. The answer is unknown, but it is clear that Bilzerian does enjoy the finer things in life.

His Instagram page is home to some of the world's most bizarre photos and anyone can see that Bilzerian doesn't plan to slow down any time soon.