Is Jon Hamm a single man? That's what fans can't help but wonder as the former Mad Men star has not been seen with his long-term girlfriend Jennifer Westfeldt in months. Rumor has it that the couple might have broken things off, all because Westfeldt was ready to settle down and have a child while Hamm has ruled out the prospect of starting a family.

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According to RumorFix on Monday, the good-looking couple has not been seen together since January of this year, as Hamm has been spending most of his time in New York City while Westfeldt is on the West Coast. In fact, sources say that Hamm is seen almost daily walking his dog by himself near his Manhattan apartment.

Insiders close to the couple say the couple called it quits because they couldn't agree on which direction to go in for their future together.

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The site continues to say that Hamm famously told Playboy Magazine in the past, "We've seen enough of our friends, who shall obviously remain nameless, become parents, and sometimes it's hard not to think they shouldn't have had kids. I don't have a driving force to have a baby."

He added, "That said, I'm in a committed relationship, and if it ever came up, I'm not ruling anything out. There's a reason it hasn't been prioritized, because I don't think either of us has that pull.'

So far, Hamm's publicist has not made any comments about the rumors.