It is not without a doubt that most of us loves to eat pizza and pizza can be found anywhere around the world especially in big cities like LA and NY.

Now, The Try Guys went out to take the next challenge and that is to pair in twos and try the pizza's sold in NY and LA.

Of the 2 cities, New York is known for having the best pizza in the world while LA is known for having the worst New York style of pizza.

So Ed and Eugene's challenge is to try and find the best slice in New York while Pete and Zach are to try and find the very worst NY style of pizza in LA.

Will they be able to pass the challenge? Well, they searched over the internet to search for the pizza house around the city and got some top picks.

Although searching for different type of pizzas, they have the same criteria in judging the pizza such as cheese, crust, sauce and the NY or wow factor.

Once out on the streets, they did pretty well in meeting their challenge and got the tastes of their lives. Check out the vid.