It's going to be a continuous battle for Callie and Brandon's working relationship on The Fosters.

Is Callie & Brandon's Secret About To Be Exposed On 'The Fosters?'

On Monday, Just Jared Jr posted an interview with David Lambert, who's known as Brandon on the Freeform drama. After he and Callie slept together before her adoption went through, this is bound to make things complicated since they have to let their romantic feelings go. Even though they still have mutual respect for each other, it won't be easy since it's hard to tell if they should spend more or less time together.

"It is evolving into this very strong connection, but in a different way where they do check in on each other every now and then and want to see each other be happy," Lambert said. "However, they also can't fully be there for each other just because of everything that has happened up to this point. It's a bit of both."

Chatter On Table Read For 'The Fosters' Season 3

The actor then opened up on what's coming up next on the creepy message about Callie and Brandon hooking up. He couldn't reveal too much, but one thing is for sure--no one should jump to any conclusions.

"It will definitely be answered and I can't say too much without alluding to who it may be," Lambert said. "I do think that fans should go in without assumptions about who it may be or what it may mean. They should be open-minded as to what will happen next!"

The Fosters airs on Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on Freeform.