The first nominations in the Big Brother: Over the Top house have been made, but there's still one twist outside of the houseguests' control that they'll have to deal with.

Head of Household: Monte Massongill

Nominees: Danielle Lickey and Jason Roy

Other houseguests: Alex Willett, Cornbread Ligon, Justin Duncan, Kryssie Ridolfi, Morgan Willett, Neeley Jackson, Scott Dennis, Shane Chapman, Shelby Stockton and Whitney Hogg

Monte chose to nominate Danielle and Jason for eviction, as seen during the conclusion of Sunday night's Safety Ceremony. Jason fully suspected this as the only returnee in the game, but Danielle was quite upset about being nominated. Shane told Danielle shortly after the ceremony that she didn't have to worry because Jason was the clear target. Monte would later talk with Danielle and tell her the exact same thing.

However, Monte also admitted to Cornbread that he really liked Jason so it was difficult to make him the official target. Jason told Monte that he could use him, Jason, to help with America's vote considering his built-in fanbase.

And speaking of America's vote, host Julie Chen appeared on the TV screen in the living room Sunday night and revealed the newest twist. The houseguests learned that America will get to decide the third nominee, with the power completely out of the houseguests' hands. Jason spoke with Neeley shortly after this reveal and said if America nominated Shane, it would send a signal to Monte that America doesn't like the big Southern majority alliance.

As of right now it looks like Jason is the target for eviction unless he wins Veto. Of course, the third nominee reveal is still to come which could send the houseguests into any number of different scenarios and decisions. The third nominee reveal will occur today in the Big Brother house before players are picked for the Veto competition.

The Veto competition will play out live on the feeds starting at 4 p.m. ET. The HOH, the three nominees and two other houseguests will compete.