In a recent interview, country singer Carrie Underwood talked about her personality, how she was raised and the possibility of having children soon.

"I'm not a mushy person at all," the American Idol winner and multiple Grammy-winning country star told June's Marie Claire. "[And] we were never a huggy family. Or a 'let's talk it out' family."

As the youngest of her family, and by a significant age -- "Technically I have siblings, but they are quite a bit older than me" -- Underwood, 30, had the chance while growing up to indulgence this part of her personality.

"I have the only-child syndrome going on. I'm a little more selfish, a little more independent, a little closed," she admitted, with her mother, Carole, adding, "She was never really a people person."

Underwood admitted she is reserved even around her husband of nearly three years, Nashville Predators center Mike Fisher, She said, "He is Mr. Nicest Guy on the Planet. I skew the other way."

Underwood sometimes laments her aloof nature: "I do wish I were softer. I wish I were able to form relationships better. But hey, I mean... I'm not a sociopath."

However, those who love and respect her believe it's served her well over the years.

Fellow country singer Brad Paisley thinks Underwood "could have been a general," recalling old emceeing gigs. Underwood and Paisley have co-hosted recent Country Music Association Awards ceremonies. Paisley said he was fearful to take the stage at the most recent award ceremony, but Underwood approached the situation boldly.

"Instead of panicking, she taps me on the shoulder and said, 'Let's do this! Let's take it to them!' " Paisley said. "She was just this kid from Oklahoma, waiting to walk out in front of the world, to greet this audience that has got to be thinking we have no business being there."

Quite simply, said Grand Ole Opry general manager Pete Fisher, "She is real people singing real songs about real life."

Underwood's long-time confidants certainly wouldn't have her any other way. Her best friend, Ivey Childers, said "Carrie didn't let fame change her. She was never super-outgoing. And she doesn't feel the need to overcompensate now."

Regarding having children, Underwood admitted, "I don't feel old enough to have kids. I know I am mature. But being responsible for another human?"

Carrie Underwood, Marie claire