The latest trailer for the upcoming Superman film Man Of Steel will really have viewers kneeling before Zod.

The trailer for the film, due on June 14, begins with the phrase "you are not alone" repeated in the background, as an ominous voiceover from the film's villain General Zod (Michael Shannon) plays over it: Zod demands that Kal-El "surrender within 24 hours "or watch this world suffer the consequences."

This new incarnation of Superman, starring Tudors star Henry Cavill, has a similar darkness to some the recent crop of superhero movies; it's no wonder, since the story came from director Christopher Nolan of the Dark Knight trilogy and his writing partner Davis S. Goyer (Goyer is solely credited for the film's screenplay).

It's a big anniversary for the Superman character too - this year he turns 75.

In an interview with the L.A. Times Hero Complex blog, director Zack Snyder calls the film "the most realistic movie I've made."

"There's no tongue in anyone's cheek. I'm not apologizing for Superman in any way," he continued. "I'm saying, 'Superman is a thing that must be taken seriously and embraced and understood.'"

The team behind the film approached its creation with that level of seriousness in mind, and made sure they let in no outside media influences. Producer Charles Roven said that Man Of Steel is based solely on Superman comics.

"We had the canon that we needed to pay homage to," said Roven. "We need to make sure that Superman comes from Krypton. We weren't going to change that -- those kinds of touchstones. But everything else between those touchstones was fair game."

However, the modern age does play a factor and Superman's axiom, "truth, justice and the American way," has taken off a new meaning.

"He's not super-perfect, and he might not always make the right decision, especially as he's growing up and trying to find himself," said producer Debbie Snyder (who is also the director's spouse). "I think he's struggling to find out what is the right thing to do."

Indeed, Snyder said he does understand just how ubiquitous the Superman character is in popular culture. The director cites a rumor/piece of trivia that the superhero's "S" emblem is the second-most recognized symbol in the world, behind the Christian cross.

"Whether that's completely true or not, I don't know," he pondered, "but you want it to be true. You feel like it could be true."

Check out the new Man Of Steel "Fate Of Your Planet" trailer!