LOOK! Post Malone Gets New Interesting Face Tattoo For New Year

Post Malone debuted a fresh tattoo on New Year's Eve.
The rapper was dressed in a shiny pink suit and headlined the 15th year of "Dick Clark New Year's Rockin' Eve" in Time Square on December 31.
He performed his hit songs "Circles" and "Congratulations." However, just before he got to stage, the "Sunflower" singer has already entertained fans by showing off his new head-turning tattoo to Instagram.
Malone captioned the photo, "Have a good a** new year."
View this post on Instagramhave a good ass new year A post shared by @ postmalone on Dec 31, 2019 at 10:54am PST
No stranger to facial tattoos, the singer-songwriter has added an image of medieval gauntlet holding a flail to the side of his face. The artist behind Malone's latest ink is Kyle Hediger. He also shared a close-up look at the piece on his Instagram account, saying, "The last tattoo of 2019. Gauntlet on the baby boy @postmalone love you. 2020 is going to be at the next level. Love you all."
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Kyle Hediger (@kylehedigertattoo) on Dec 31, 2019 at 11:41am PST
The design "hurt like a m***********" according to Malone, whose real name is Austin Post.
"It's like a big spiked ball and a chain; it's pretty brutal... I wanted to do it for a while, but finally, I said, f*** let's do it." Then he hastily said, "I love you, mom," Post said.
More to Come?
Post Malone's new tattoo only indicates that the most recent one will not be his last ink. After all, he has already hinted that more tattoos are on the horizon -- even though he acknowledged that his self-proclaimed face for radio might hinder his budding acting career with bad guy typecasting.
"By no means am I going to be an actor because I'm pretty s****** at it. But I try my best. Especially with this new tattoo, I can only really play the bad guy, the tough-looking guy," he said in reference to his upcoming role in the film, "Spenser Confidential.
"I'm trying to expand into other things and test myself to see what I can do."
Post Malone will appear with Mark Wahlberg in his new film, which is scheduled for a March 2020 release.
Thank You, Justine
Aside from Malone's music and upcoming acting gig, one particular aspect that gets attention is his tattoos.
Justin Bieber actually inspired Post Malone's first tattoo.
Speaking to Jimmy Fallon, he said: "We were looking on 'Stoney' and then we had a tattoo artist come through and then I was just like, 'You know what? Justin Bieber's got some tats. And I love you, but I know I'm way tougher than you."
He admitted that he had been scared to get one until then. Malone's first tattoo was a Playboy bunny, and he does not know why.
Moreover, not only did Bieber inspire it, but he almost also ruined it.
"We played basketball two days later, and he knocked the whole thing off. It was just blood dripping down my hand, and it kind of looks like my tattoo got dropped in lava, but I like the story anyway," Post Malone shared.
But why draw inks on the face when there is a whole lot more skin in other parts? The real reason Post Malone has all these facial tattoos is to piss off his mother.
Some of his other controversial tattoos are the barbed wire on his forehead, the smiley face tattoo on his cheek, a dagger tattoo on the right side of his face, and etching tattoo on the left side of his face.