While filming The Wolverine in Japan, Hugh Jackman experienced some culture shock when he showed too much skin to the locals.

In the sacred hot springs at the base of Mount Fuji, the 44-year-old actor was relaxing during a film break, when he realized he was the center of attention.

In an interview with media site WENN, Jackman explained the mishap. 

"The place is separated male and female and they hand you a towel, a small washcloth and there are eight different types of tubs with heats of different temperatures," he said. 

What he didn't know was how to use the towel.

"I'm getting so hot, and I'm using the towel they gave me to dip into the cold water and put it on my head," Jackman added. "And I was getting very strange looks from everybody...I was the only white person there. I thought, 'Maybe this isn't cool and I'm not allowed to be there.'"

But, this wasn't the case. He finally got a hint from a guy sitting next to him and realized an hour later what the towel was actually supposed to be used for.

"I was feeling uncomfortable and finally this guy in the tub grunts and points to my head and then grunts and points to my private parts," Jackman said. "Finally I realized the towel was meant to be covering my privates and I'd spent about an hour just waltzing around this place with this thing in one hand and a beer in my other hand!"

Watch the trailer to his new movie, The Wolverine, which opens in theaters on Friday, July 26.