While most of the Star Wars: Episode VII casting chatter as of late has involved Harrison Ford, a few other names had spontaneously worked their way into the mix in Gangster Squad's Ryan Gosling and The Paperboy's Zac Efron.

Latino Review is reporting that the two notable actors are being buzzed about for the part of Luke Skywalker's son, which would play into an essential part of the plot. The site speculates that the Episode VII casting announcements as a whole, will be made at Disney's D23 Expo, which takes place in August.

Aside from Gosling and Efron, Twilight's Robert Pattinson, Vampire Diaries' Ian Somerhalder, Magic Mike's Alex Pettyfer, and Arrow's Stephen Amell are also being considered for possible roles in the movie.

Over the past few months, most of the rumors have surrounded the return of legendary actor Harrison Ford (Han Solo), he's had no qualms about dodging the million-dollar question in almost any way feasible.

While at San Diego's Comic-Con, Ford had spoken to MTV, but his words did little to add any clarity for the diehard fans.

"I'm not prepared at this time to have an in-depth conversation about - what did you call it again? - 'Star Wars.' I can't talk about it," Ford said.

The Star Wars: Episode VII storyline will occur around the time period after the events of Return of the Jedi. The film is scheduled to launch on July 15, 2015. A fan-made trailer of the future flick can be watched below.