Okay, so, Elon Musk and Grimes just had a new baby.

Yes, this is confusing for a number of reasons. First of all, we thought the pair was broken up: They no longer live in the same house, which to the rest of the world makes them look like a separated couple who simply shares a baby. But that is clearly not the case.

Grimes cleared a few things up in a recent Vanity Fair interview (about as many things as she accidentally revealed, we'd say) so we're here with the answers to some of the most pressing questions about Elon Musk, Grimes, and new baby Y.

When was Grimes pregnant again?

She wasn't. Grimes and Musk chose to have a child via surrogate this time, for a number of reasons, but the largest of them was that her last pregnancy was actually very scary: She's a small woman, and baby X was so big that during her eighth month, she couldn't even walk.

"He was pressing on my nerves, so I kept collapsing. I took a few steps and collapsed. It was kind of scary, because you don't want to fall a lot when you're eight months pregnant. So I would just crawl to the bathroom and crawl back or whatever."

There was even one point in the pregnancy where she thought she was dying:

"Like, I hemorrhaged. It was scary."

But wait, are Grimes and Elon Musk still together?

Who plans to have a baby via surrogate with their ex? Elon Musk appeared to confirm in the fall that he and Grimes had split up, but apparently it's a bit more complicated than that.

"There's no real word for it. I would probably refer to him as my boyfriend, but we're very fluid. We live in separate houses. We're best friends. We see each other all the time.... We just have our own thing going on, and I don't expect other people to understand it."

At least, she says, they are very happy.

"This is the best it's ever been.... We just need to be free." They plan to have more children too. "We've always wanted at least three or four." 

So not only together, but also planning on having more kids with strange names.

Speaking of strange names, what does Y mean?

Y's is just a nickname; her full name is Exa Dark Sideræl Musk. 

We've got come computer stuff in there right off the bat: Exa refers to the supercomputing term exaFLOPS. As for the second name, that's the Grimes-y touch: Dark refers to "the unknown"

"People fear it but truly it's the absence of photons. Dark matter is the beautiful mystery of our universe."

And of course we had to get those elf letters in there again: Sideræl, which Grimes pronounced "sigh-deer-ee-el," is a "more elven" spelling of sidereal, the "true time of the universe, star time, deep space time, not our relative earth time," the singer added.

It's also apparently a reference to her favourite Lord of the Rings character, Galadriel, "chooses to abdicate the ring," according to Grimes.

All of that said, they might change it soon, because they keep referring to her as Sailor Mars (a Sailor Moon reference.)

How did we find out about Elon Musk and Grimes' new baby?

It was actually kind of a silly accident - Grimes invited the Vanity Fair reporter to come to her house for an interview, but hoped to somehow keep baby Y quiet the whole time. This made for an awkward - but funny - exchange when the infant eventually did make herself known. The interviewer tried to ignore it at first, to be polite, but eventually:

I brace myself to ask the strangest question of my career: Do you have another baby in your life, Grimes?

Her body clenches and she looks away.

"I'm not at liberty to speak on these things."  

"Whatever is going on with family stuff, I just feel like kids need to stay out of it, and X is just out there. I mean, I think E is really seeing him as a protégé and bringing him to everything and stuff.... X is out there. His situation is like that. But, yeah, I don't know." 

However, after thinking about it some more, she decides to just laugh it off open up - "I don't know what I was thinking," - which is why we all know about this second baby now.

Grimes is the most recent in a long list of celebrities who are making moves to have more private pregnancies, in the interest of keeping their childrens' lives more private, and their personal information more secure - especially because the father of her children is literally one of the world's richest men.

You can read more about their interesting lives in the full Vanity Fair interview.