X-Men: Days of Future Past director Bryan Singer and screenwriter Simon Kinberg sat down with Empire magazine recently to answer some questions about the upcoming blockbuster movie.

Empire magazine released 25 covers for their X-Men: Days of Future Past series, each of which featured a different character. One of those character covers featured Rogue (Anna Paquin), who Singer had already been announced as no longer being in the film. Kinberg said that she was taken out for storytelling purposes.

"It was only one real sequence in the movie," Kinberg told the magazine. "We felt like it was taking tension out of the main story drive."

Singer suggested that Rogue may still be seen in the film, though not in any important scenes for her.

"It does not mean that we don't see her in the film." he said. "Also, I hope to make the sequence available on the DVD as she was quite wonderful in it. She is an important part of the X-Men family."

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Additionally, Singer explained the reason behind Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) wielding his trademark adamantium claws in the Days of Future Past trailer, despite the events of the latest Wolverine film.

The director said that Magento (Ian McKellen) could "reconstitute the adamantium claws... [Wolverine] has a different relationship with Magneto, and perhaps Magneto could forge them."

Singer and Kinberg also discussed the next film in the X-Men franchise after Days of Future Past, which will be X-Men: Apocalypse.

X-Men: Apocalypse is "more of a First Class sequel," according to Singer, and "it takes place some time after this movie."

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X-Men: Days of Future Past is scheduled for release on May 23.

Watch the X-Men: Days of Future Past trailer here: