Hulk is racking up some massive property damage in Johannesburg.

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The Avengers: Age Of Ultron began shooting in South African city last week, and Bruce Banner's angry volatile ego has since made an appearance.

The Marvel production is using Johannesburg as a backdrop for two weeks of action filming, but it was believed that none of the major stars would be on site. Considering Mark Ruffalo has confirmed that the Avengers are currently in rehearsals and will not step in front of the cameras until the end of March, how can the Hulk's path of destruction be explained?

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Luckily for director Joss Whedon, Ruffalo doesn't actually need to be in attendance for the filming of Hulk related scenes. Unlike Banner, the giant green monster can be replaced by CGI.

A video captured by bystanders shows crew members rotating a giant Hulk head, which appears to be helping collect data for later editing (see video below).

Yet another video treats fans to a preview of what is in store for viewers of the 2015 release. While innocent bystanders flee from an unseen assailant (most likely the Hulk), and truck is suddenly propelled halfway across the street as its contents spills out the back.

Fans will undoubtedly be treated to more behind-the-scenes footage as Age of Ultron makes pit stops in Italy and South Korea. However, the bulk of the production will take place at Shepperton Studios in England.

The Avengers: Age Of Ultron will hit theaters on May 1, 2015.